Commonwealth Programs for Tenants
Emergency Rental Assistance Program
The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) provides assistance to households that have experienced financial hardship and may be at risk for homelessness due to or during Covid-19. ERAP provides tenant households assistance with rental and utility costs to include arrearages and other related housing expenses.
Click here to go to the ERAP page.
If you live in Washington County
Rental and Utility bill assistance for Washington County residents is available through the Blueprints.
Please visit their website at
The direct link to the application can be found at
If you have questions about this program, please use the links provided. The Authority is not associated with this program and our staff are unable to answer questions regarding this.
If you live in Westmoreland County
Rental and Utility bill assistance for Westmoreland County residents is available through the The Union Mission.
Please visit their website at
You can also call (724) 539-3550 to speak with someone at the Union Mission.
If you have questions about this program, please use the link provided. The Authority is not associated with this program and our staff are unable to answer questions regarding this.
Commonwealth Programs for Homeowners
Pennsylvania Homeowner’s Assistance Fund
The Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund, or PAHAF, is a housing-related program funded by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to assist Pennsylvania homeowners facing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic that began after January 21, 2020, (including a hardship that began before January 21, 2020, and continued after that date). The program will provide financial assistance to homeowners for qualified mortgage and housing-related expenses to address delinquency and avoid default, foreclosure, or displacement.
Click here to go to the PAHAF page.