Water Line Replacement

The Authority of the Borough of Charleroi has awarded a contract for a water line replacement project located on Fallowfield Ave. in Charleroi Borough.

Contract #137-W will include replacement of 2,500 ft of 8″ main line, service connections, fire hydrants and appurtenances along Fallowfield Ave. from 5th Street to 10th Street.

This project is located within PA. Dept. of Transportation right of way and will require that work hours will be from 8:00pm to 6:00am. We ask that motorist use extreme caution when traveling through the work zone.

The Authority asks for your cooperation with parking in the work areas during construction.

During construction, every effort will be made to keep service interruptions to a minimum.

Notice will be given prior to any service interruptions except for emergencies.

Work is expected to begin April 22, 2015 with a completion date of June 30, 2015.

If you have any question, please call the Water Authority at 724-483-3585.